Sunday, April 22, 2007

The beginning...

We arrived last night after a very long day of travel. After clearing immigration, changing money, baggage claim & customs, we stepped out of the airport in Port of Spain and a wave of heat and humidity washed over us. Welcome to the tropics! We piled into Mr. Paul’s party bus – and this is no understatement, luggage and people piled everywhere – and set off into the darkness. As we left I had the strangest sensation we had just boarded the “Night Bus”. Caribbean party music blaring, our driver with a huge grin, and gadgets swinging to and fro in the front window, we bounced down the road (left side!) to Matura Village and arrived at Susan’s Guest House just before midnight. Susan turned up shortly there from the beach reporting a big night for tourists and turtles.

We spent this morning learning about the local community and the Nature Seekers program and started adjusting to the heat. We had the opportunity to hit the beach this afternoon to see where we will be patrolling for turtles tonight. Even in the late afternoon we could still see some of last nights crawls. Other highlights included hearing and getting a glimpse of some parrots and howler moneys, and taking a dip in a black water creek. What a wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day! We are heading back to the beach tonight in hopes of seeing our first leatherbacks!


Ladybug said...

Turtle tracking - how exciting!!!

Sivasothi said...

Arrrived safe and sound, that's great! Happy Earth Day Catherine! Track 'em turtles!

kelly said...

go class! will look forward to your posts :)

have fun Catherine (hope you are not TOO hot, it IS hot isn't it?!!)


lizard said...

Looks like another grand adventure for the great turtle tracker Catherine. We are looking on in anticipation and hoping for the best for you and the students! Ya Hey There and Love from Wisconsin!!

Sivasothi said...

Linked you here. Is the location correct?